
Fastify Handler

The Fastify Handler provides middleware for managing sessions in your Fastify applications. This middleware adds session-related methods to the request object.

How to Use

Follow these steps to integrate the Fastify Handler into your application:

  1. Import Required Modules:

Ensure you have the necessary modules and adapters, like the FastifyHandler and MongoDBAdapter.

import fastify from "fastify"
import mongoose from "mongoose"
import { FastifyHandler } from "authy-js/handlers/fastify"
import { MongoDBAdapter } from "authy-js/adapters/mongodb"
// Import your MongoDB models
import UserModel from "./models/user.model"
import SessionModel from "./models/session.model"
  1. Set Up MongoDB Adapter:

Initialize the MongoDB Adapter with your User and Session models. Take a look at MongoDB Adapter for more information.

const mongodbAdapter = new MongoDBAdapter({
    User: UserModel,
    Session: SessionModel,
    dbConnectionUrl: "mongodb://localhost:27017/YourDatabase",
    mongoose: mongoose,
  1. Initialize the FastifyHandler:

Initialize the FastifyHandler by providing the Fastify instance, selecting your adapter, and optional cookie settings.

const app = fastify()
FastifyHandler(app, {
    adapter: mongodbAdapter,
    cookie: {}, // Optional cookie options
  1. Create routes using fastify:

Define the required routes using the Fastify instance:

// Example route using session methods
app.get("/", async (req, res) => {
    req.auth // Provides session management methods
    return "Hello World"
app.listen({ port: 3000 }, () => console.log("Server running on http://localhost:3000"))
  1. Example Routes:

Implement routes that utilize session management methods.

// Example: Create a session
app.get("/create", async (req, res) => {
    const expiresAt = new Date( + 30000) // Expires in 30 seconds
    return await req.auth.createSession({ userId: "yourUserId", expiresAt })
// Example: Get current user details
app.get("/check", async (req, res) => {
    return await req.auth.getCurrentUser()
// Example: Delete current session
app.get("/delete", async (req, res) => {
    return await req.auth.deleteCurrentSession()


  • createSession(): Creates a new session in the database.

  • getCurrentSession(): Retrieves details of the current session.

  • getCurrentUser(): Retrieves details of the authenticated user.

  • deleteCurrentSession(): Deletes the current session.

  • deleteUsersAllSessions(): Deletes all sessions associated with the current user.

Using the Fastify Handler simplifies session management in Fastify applications, allowing flexible integration with your preferred database.